Are you a

Non-AI Creative?

The future is here, but regulation is not. Together we can take steps to preserve Authentically Human® creativity.


Artificial Intelligence is changing how we work - and there's no denying it's going to continue impacting our processes. However regulation and disclosure standards are not moving at the same pace as tool development. But we as creatives shouldn't wait - we should lead the conversation. Using the Authentically Human® stamps are the first step.

Looking to use the Authentically Human® stamps for ENTERPRISE?

Artificial Intelligence is moving FAST.

As AI has embedded itself deeper and deeper into our online world, it’s attracted attention. We’ve all been tempted with AI profile photo generators, and might’ve even tested how AI can impact our writing, or our scheduling processes. Some of the attention it’s attracted is from regulatory bodies – but it will be years before standardized disclosure and regulation is officially in place. You, however, don’t have to wait that long.

Why does disclosure matter?

In short? Lots of reasons.

Consumer Protection

Imagine you've hired an artist to create a portrait for you, or a copywriter to create the text for your business's website. How would it feel if you found out that artist, or copywriter didn't create what you purchased at all?

Creative Protection

Creative professionals work for years to create their signature styles, and to develop the unique techniques used in their crafts. This Authentically Human® creativity deserves protection, and support.

Data Privacy

AI algorithm training raises important questions about data privacy, and what is and is not scraped for use in program output. If terms and conditions aren't laid out in plain language, it's easy to accidentally risk one's private data.

Intellectual Property

Professionals in the internet age are already at risk of intellectual property infringement on a daily basis. But if AI platform development isn't done in an ethical way, with informed consent from contributers to algorithm training, theft gets that much harder to track, and prevent.

Professional Integrity

Informed consent and AI use disclosure will help us to maintain integrity in industries that can be substantially changed by the use of AI technologies. Allowing users and consumers to easily confirm a professional's use of AI can protect consumers from scams.

Service Transparency

We've all at least once in our lives yelled "SPEAK TO A HUMAN" during automated call menu navigation. On the phone it's pretty obvious when we're engaging with a real person, but the same can't be said for chatbots anymore. Disclosure ensures we know who's human, and who's... not.

Support Authentically Human® Creativity

The Authentically Human® stamp makes it EASY to showcase your commitment to ethical, sustainable online practices.

Join The Newsletter

We have the stamps for now, but we have big plans! If you want to stay up to date about the development of our Authentically Human® Creative Directory and learn more about how you can join when it's available, just subscribe! We promise not to spam you. Or sell your data to bots. We kind of don't like them anyway.