It’s Time To

Support AI Transparency

We care about YOU choosing how you interact with AI – and that starts with knowing when it’s being used.

Use The Stamps

The first thing you can do to support the Authentically Human® cause? USE THE STAMPS.

If we want to make real change, and show support for Authentically Human® content (both online and offline)… that means using the stamps. It means widescale adoption of AI Usage Disclosure. So… how can you help? Start using the stamps yourself!

Whether you put them in your personal e-commerce store product listings, add them to your LinkedIn profile, or start using them to designate that you don’t use AI in your processes when you’re promoting your freelance services on Fiverr, you’re helping to take us all one step closer to clear, simple disclosure and labeling standards for AI content on the internet, and… (gasp) eventually in the real world. Because… we all know that’s coming, right?

We Love Coffee

I know I already mentioned that this was started by two people who just want to know what they’re buying…

But if you’re not the Go-Fund-Me type, you can donate directly.

We’re going to level with you here for a second. This project is big. It’s bigger than two people. And it’s ESPECIALLY bigger than two people with full-time jobs.

We’re committed to continuing to put our own time and funds into this project long-term, but we would also love if you bought us a coffee. Or half a coffee. Basically development and a large scale media campaign takes a lot of coffee. Both literally and figuratively.

J. Boltz


Gabrielle Scarlett

Co-Founder & Art Director

Share Cool Stuff

Another magical way to help us that doesn’t cost a penny, is to share your support for Authentically Human® creation on social media.

Help us get the information out there online where it needs to be!

Here soon, we’re going to have some graphics available that you can share! But in the meantime…

You can find us at:
@theauthenticallyhuman on Insta,
@authenticallyhuman on TikTok, and
@authnticlyhuman on X/Twitter. 
( Be patient with us, we will add content soon. )

It’s free to tag us on Insta, to share our TikToks, and to retweet us (for now…) so share, if you can!

Do Some Outreach

We think free things are pretty cool, so here's another free one! Reach out to your favorite streaming services and otherwise, to help support disclosure adoption!

There's power in numbers, and you can help us get to a critical mass.

Getting the attention of the Big Tech giants who are currently having conversations about AI Usage regulations and disclosure standards in Washington (potentially as you read this) requires the power of numbers.

And believe it or not... if enough people say the same thing enough times? They might actually listen. So if you've got a few minutes, fire off a few emails to your favorite streaming services, online marketplaces, and otherwise! You can grab one of the emails below, and send it to their feedback form, customer service inbox, or feature suggestion form!

Subject: Helpful Feature Request


I’ve noticed it’s difficult to tell whether the content I’m seeing on here was generated by AI or not, and wanted to ask whether that’s coming soon? has a really clear stamp/image to show when AI hasn't been used, and if their stamps were on your site, it would be way more straightforward to tell what was created by humans.

Could this info be passed on to the appropriate team to go check it out?


Subject: Helpful Sustainability Feature Request


I’ve noticed it’s difficult to tell whether the content I’m seeing on here was generated by AI or not, and wanted to ask whether that’s coming soon?

As a consumer I'm conscious of my carbon footprint, and until AI is more sustainable, I'm not comfortable making purchases if I don't know that what I'm buying was made by a real person. has a really clear stamp/image to show when AI hasn't been used, and if their stamps were on your site, it would be way more straightforward to tell what was created by humans.

Could this info be passed on to the appropriate team to go check it out?


Subject: Platform AI Ethics Query


I’ve noticed it’s difficult to tell whether the content I’m seeing on here was generated by AI or not, and wanted to ask whether that’s coming soon?

Since AI training sets are largely based on content collected without the creatives' consent, I'm not comfortable using your services until it's clear that they're not based on AI training data sets. has a really clear stamp/image to show when AI hasn't been used, and if their stamps were on your site, it would be way more straightforward to tell what was created by humans.

Could this info be passed on to the appropriate team to go check it out?



Looking for something?

Use the Stamps

How You Can Help

Enterprise Stamp Use

Join The Newsletter

We have the stamps for now, but we have big plans! If you want to stay up to date about the development of our Authentically Human® Creative Directory and learn more about how you can join when it's available, just subscribe! We promise not to spam you. Or sell your data to bots. We kind of don't like them anyway.