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AH Stamp Usage

AI isn’t going anywhere, but you can be clear about how you’re using it.

Looking to use the Authentically Human® stamps for ENTERPRISE?

The Stamps

Start using the stamps today, to ensure your customers are clear that AI is not used in your processes.

The stamps are easy to understand, easy to implement, and communicate clearly.

We’ve developed a suite of stamps that indicate clearly if you choose NOT to use AI in your processes!

It’s not just about disclosure – it’s about clarity, and integrity. By using the AI use disclosure stamps, you’re supporting transparency. Although in an ideal world we would work toward a standard where AI use itself is fully disclosed, this is the first step toward that world!

Authentically Human Creations

Using the Authentically Human® stamp indicates that there is NO artificial intelligence used in the process for creating your work. Your hands and mind do the work, and the final output, services, or products are AI free.

Designate the Kind of Work You Do

Our intro pack of stamps includes the “Authentically Human®” stamp, and an overarching “Zero AI Pledge” stamp, designed to work with your content no matter what you create. But with the full suite, you can get granular!

Place The Stamps on Your Stuff!

You can use your stamps anywhere your content lives online, as long as it’s YOUR content (no re-licensing), and whatever it is, is genuinely, 100% Authentically Human® creativity! If you’re looking for enterprise use, please reach out!


Where can I use the stamps?

You can use the Authentically Human® stamps anywhere your content lives online, as long as it’s on a piece of content you own. That might sound a little complicated, so let’s break it down. 

Let’s say you’re an Etsy seller, and you also have your own personal website where you sell your creations. On your website, the stamp can go ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE you want it to go! On your Etsy shop, it could be used to watermark your product images, or you could add it to your banner, because those are the parts of that presence you own. However for the stamp to become a mainstay of profile identification on Etsy (as in, a profile badge) the platform owner would need to reach out and discuss enterprise usage. 

As another example, let’s say you’re an author. You can absolutely use the stamp on your book cover, and on your author website, and on content you post to social media! But for it to be added to your Amazon KDP profile, for example, we’d need to talk to Big Man Bezos (well… probably one of his executives, but the point stands) for it to be licensed to them for use on their website. 

We know this sounds a little complicated, but it boils down to this. If it’s a piece of content you manage yourself: you’re good. 90% of the cases where it wouldn’t be permitted, you wouldn’t have access to add it yourself anyway. But if you have a question about the use case you’re thinking about, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask!

What if I've used AI in my work in the past?

Your use of the stamps is based on your CURRENT working processes, and your plans moving forward. If you’ve used AI in the past, but do not plan to use it anymore, the Authentically Human® stamp totally applies!

What if I use AI to generate starting points for my work?

In that case, AI plays a role in your work, so unfortunately the Authentically Human® stamps wouldn’t apply to your content.

What if I don't use AI in my work itself, but I *do* use it to respond to client emails?

In this case, it’s kind of a grey area. If you plan on using the Authentically Human® stamps for your output, because there isn’t AI used in your process for creation, you totally can. But as a courtesy (since we’re all about transparency!) we suggest adding something at the end of your emails that are AI generated, saying “AI was used to generate some or all of this email”. Not because it means you didn’t do the thing, but because being transparent about how you arrived at it is a matter of principle.

What if I use AI for personal projects but it doesn't contribute to my professional work?

The Authentically Human® stamps are geared toward use with your professional projects, not your personal ones. But, if you want to use the stamps to mark where you’ve not used AI, you absolutely can! 

The Stamp Intro Pack Applies to ANY Work You Do!

We’ve parsed the stamps into two packages, that are both useful for anyone! As much as we’d love to make these available for free, building things costs money… so we’ve kept the cost as low on the intro stamps as we possibly can. Available. for $0.99 USD, this package will get you the “Authentically Human®” stamp, as well as the “Zero AI Pledge” stamp, in all three versions (black, white, and purple) for you to use anywhere on your online presence.
   ( Our animation isn’t working quite yet, so please check the button below to see all of the stamps included in the intro set. )

The Full Stamp Set Gets More SPECIFIC

While the intro pack of stamps can definitely get you what you need, the full suite is far more specific! Instead of the two versions of the stamp (in all three colors) that you get in the intro package, you’ll receive five versions of the stamp, AND a whole ton of mini icons you can pepper all over your online presence. It includes stamps for “100% Non-AI Art,” “100% Non-AI Work,” “100% Non-AI Content,” in addition to “Authentically Human®” and the “Zero AI Pledge” stamps!
   ( Our animation isn’t working quite yet, so please check the button below to see the full set of stamps included. )

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Enterprise Stamp Use

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